Matt Davies

Sept 8, 2023

How To Choose a Great Gift for your Employee

7 Tips to make gift giving easy this Christmas, or anytime!

Birthdays, Incentives, Christmas. When it comes time to grab your colleague a present make sure you get it right with these 7 tips.

1) Know your colleague

The most important factor here, hopefully you’ve spoken to your colleague about their life outside of work, what they like, what their hobbies are. Nothing says “I didn’t put any effort into this” like a gift card! Except, of course, if you know your colleague is saving for something important! 
If you want to get it right there's nothing more important than knowing a bit about the person you're buying for. 

2) Don't leave it to the last minute!

Take a little bit of time, have a few conversations to guage what you collegaues' current interests are, or if they have anything that they need fairly soon. Perhaps talk to other colleagues to see if they have any ideas or even want to chip in a few quid to get something bigger. You know what they say, "fail to plan, plan to fail!"   

3) Consider quality

A £5 product is ideal for Secret Santa but if you’re giving a personal gift then aim slightly higher, £20+ is a nice amount that (hopefully) won’t break the company’s bank and will feel substantial to your colleague. If you are spending your own money, then always consider your own finances before a purchase. (check out our setup essentials here. All priced between £20-50)

4) Utility is great, sometimes...

Leaders, that colleague that’s been asking for a new office mouse because theirs keeps playing up, yeah don’t buy them a mouse for their birthday. Gift giving is about showing that you care for your colleagues, when giving a gift it’s not a time for thinking of office savings or “killing two birds with one stone”. 

5) Consider donating to charity

Many people want to give (more) to charity but are unable to; a donation on their behalf can be a very powerful thing that really shows that have their interests at heart. 

6) Buy something long-lasting

A bottle of wine normally goes down well (don’t forget point 1 however) but something that lasts longer will often have more sentimental value. These Craighill Pen and Glasses Stands really ooze quality, have great (non-work related) utility and will last a lifetime.

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craighill eyewear stand on a white background
Craighill Eyewear Stand
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craighill eyewear stand on desk next to apple magic keyboard
craighill eyewear stand on a white background
Craighill Eyewear Stand

Craighill Eyewear Stand

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craighill pen holder with Kepler brass pen in it
craighill pen holder on desk next to white paper and cup of coffee
craighill pen holder by itself on white background
blank metal pen holder with white pen on wooden desk
craighill pen holder with Kepler brass pen in it
craighill pen holder on desk next to white paper and cup of coffee
craighill pen holder by itself on white background
blank metal pen holder with white pen on wooden desk
craighill pen holder with Kepler brass pen in it
craighill pen holder on desk next to white paper and cup of coffee
craighill pen holder by itself on white background
blank metal pen holder with white pen on wooden desk
craighill pen holder with Kepler brass pen in it
craighill pen holder on desk next to white paper and cup of coffee
craighill pen holder by itself on white background
blank metal pen holder with white pen on wooden desk

Craighill Pen Rest

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7) Chocolates!

Enough said?!
To add some detail, chocolates or any shareable item often work wonders in the workplace. They bring people together; they make people happy, and everyone gets a little win on every birthday in the office. Just refer once again to Point 1, somebody whos dieting or unable to eat dairy may feel excluded, and that's no good!

So there we have it, next time you want to give a colleague a gift use these tips and ensure you get it right first time :)



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